Sarah Cooper Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Sarah Cooper Net Worth

How rich is Sarah Cooper? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $40,6 Million.



Sarah Cooper information Birth date: 1848-01-01 Death date: 1932-01-01 Profession:Actress Nationality:British Spouse:Frank Coopers

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sarah Cooper – 1,81m.
How much weight is Sarah Cooper – 80kg


Sarah Cooper Net Worth
Sarah Cooper Net Worth
Sarah Cooper Net Worth
Sarah Cooper Net Worth


Sarah Jane Cooper (1848–1932) was an English marmalade maker and wife of Frank Cooper (1844–1927).Sarah Cooper was born Sarah Jane Gill in Beoley, Worcestershire in 1848. In 1872 she got married in Clifton, Bristol to Frank Cooper of Oxford and they made their home at 31 Kingston Road, Oxford.In 1867 Frank had inherited the family grocery shop at 84 High Street, Oxford. In 1874 Frank expanded the business into 83 High Street next door, and the Coopers gave up their house in Kingston Road to live over the shop. Sarah, then aged 24, made 76 pounds (34 kg) of marmalade to her own recipe. The marmalade became a regular product of Frank Coopers business, being made behind the shop until 1903 when he moved production to a new purpose-built factory at 27 Park End Street.Frank Coopers business was taken over in 1964 and production left Oxford in 1967. However, its marmalades and jams remain in production as a brand of Premier Foods, which continues to call its leading Frank Coopers product Oxford Marmalade. Since 2001, 84 High Street has been marked by an Oxfordshire Blue Plaque commemorating Sarah Coopers achievement.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Sarah Cooper

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