Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth


Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth

How rich is Sarfaraz Khan? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $97 Million.



Sarfaraz Khan information Birth date: April 22, 1976 Death date: 1740-04-29 Birth place: India Profession:Actor, Art Director, Music Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sarfaraz Khan – 1,66m.
How much weight is Sarfaraz Khan – 86kg


Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth
Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth
Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth
Sarfaraz Khan Net Worth


Sarfaraz Khan, born Mirza Asadullah (d. April 29, 1740) was a Nawab of Bengal. Sarfaraz Khans maternal grandfather, Nawab Murshid Quli Khan of Bengal (Bengal, Bihar and Orissa) nominated him as the direct heir to him as there was no direct heir. After Murshid Qulis death in 1727, Sarfaraz ascended to the Masnad (throne) of the Nawab. Sarfarazs father, Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan, then the Subahdar of Orissa, getting to know it arrive at Murshidabad, the capital of the Nawabs of Bengal with a huge army. To avoid a conflict in the family the dowager Begum of the Nawab asked Shuja-ud-Din to ascend to the Masnad after Sarfaraz abdicated in favour of his father. However, circumstances led Shuja-ud-Din to nominate Sarfaraz as his heir and after Shuja-us-Dins death in 1739, Sarfaraz Khan again ascended to the Masnad as the Nawab of Bengal (Bengal, Bihar and Orissa).
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Sarfaraz Khan

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