Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight


Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth

How rich is Shannon Chan-Kent? For this question we spent 10 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $189,5 Million.



Shannon Chan-Kent information Birth date: 1988-09-23 Birth place: Vancouver, B.C. Height:5 1 (1.55 m) Profession:Actress, Soundtrack Nationality:Canadian

Height, Weight

:How tall is Shannon Chan-Kent – 1,68m.
How much weight is Shannon Chan-Kent – 78kg


Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth
Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth
Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth
Shannon Chan-Kent Net Worth


Shannon Chan-Kent (born September 23, 1988) is a Canadian voice actress, singer and actress.She is perhaps best known for her role as the singing voice of Pinkie Pie in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. In addition to her role as Pinkie Pies singing voice, she also provides the voice of Silver Spoon on My Little Pony, she is also credited as the voice of Chief in Pucca, Misa Amane in the English dubs of the Death Note anime and its Movies, and portraying Courtneys best friend Janet in Nickelodeon musical film Spectacular!.In addition to her voice acting career, she is also an opera singer (Soprano), having graduated with a Bachelor and a Masters Degree in Opera at the University of British Columbia. Shannon also performed with the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra as well as with local theater productions.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Shannon Chan-Kent

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