How Much Is Sibyl Buck Worth?


Sibyl Buck Net Worth

How rich is Sibyl Buck? For this question we spent 23 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $60,3 Million.



Sibyl Buck information Birth date: May 27, 1972 Birth place: Versailles, France Height:5 11 (1.8 m) Profession:Actress Movies:The Fifth Element, Paris Or Perish

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sibyl Buck – 1,75m.
How much weight is Sibyl Buck – 50kg


Sibyl Buck Net Worth
Sibyl Buck Net Worth
Sibyl Buck Net Worth
Sibyl Buck Net Worth


Sibyl was born the 27th of May 1972 in Versailles, France. Her father was a teacher at the American school in Paris at the time, but he lost his job for being too radical for the French schooling system. So they moved to Virginia when Sibyl was just 6 weeks old. When Sibyl left college in 1992, where she studied art, she moved to Paris to start …
Biography,Born in Versailles, France, Buck started her modeling career in 1992 and has worked for Yves Saint-Laurent, Chanel, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Alexander McQueen, and many other fashion houses.After quitting the modeling industry in 1998, Buck became a mother and began playing rock music in bands. She played bass and sang in Champions of Sound with Chris Traynor of Orange 9mm and Helmet, and with Sergio Vega of Quicksand. In 2007 she recorded and performed with Joseph Arthur as a member of his backing band The Lonely Astronauts, appearing on his Lets Just Be, Temporary People, and The Graduation Ceremony albums. Buck played bass guitar for Bush in 2012, filling in for Corey Britz for a few shows. She is currently performing with the band High Desert Fires, and appears on the debut album Light is the Revelation.Buck also acted, playing the personal assistant of Zorg in the 1997 film, The Fifth Element.In 2008, Buck moved to Topanga Canyon and became a full-time yoga instructor.


Wikipedia Source: Sibyl Buck

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