How rich is Sigal Avin? Net Worth, Height, Weight


Sigal Avin Net Worth

How much is Sigal Avin worth? For this question we spent 19 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $47,9 Million.



Sigal Avin information Birth date: 1974-01-01 Profession:Writer, Producer, Director

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sigal Avin – 1,82m.
How much weight is Sigal Avin – 60kg


Sigal Avin Net Worth
Sigal Avin Net Worth
Sigal Avin Net Worth
Sigal Avin Net Worth


Segahl Avin (Sigal Avin) (born in Miami, Florida) is an American Israeli screenwriter, playwright and director.In June of 2014 she was featured on Variety’s list of, “10 TV Scribes to Watch.”Most recently, Segahl created, wrote and directed a comedy series called Bilti Hafich for Israeli television. The show premiered on Channel 2 (Reshet) in January 2013 and was the number one comedy in Israel in 2013. Segahl has since teamed up with Peter Tolan/Sony TV to develop the show for ABC. In April 2014 she finished writing and directing the American pilot.In 2007, Segahl created, wrote and directed the dramedy MYTHOLOGICAL EX for the Israeli channel 2 (Keshet). CBS bought the format and the American version entitled THE EX LIST premiered in 2008. Eager to continue developing shows for American audiences, Segahl moved to New York and has a pilot development deal with HBO and Pretty Matches Production Company.Segahls career began in theatre, writing and directing for children in countless stage shows including A NEW FRIEND SHMULIK (2001), which won Best Show and Best Director in Haifas International Childrens Theatre Festival and HOW TO MAKE A BOY (1999). Her first show for adults, WITH A GUN AND A SMILE, produced at the Yoram Lowenstein Acting Studio, was chosen by the Israeli Culture Department to participate in the prestigious Australian International Playwrights Festival.In 2002, Segahl created a passion project entitled FREAKS — a show with no words inspired by the Tod Brownings film of the same name. The show was highly praised and was invited to festivals all over the world. From 2005-2007, Segahl was artistic manager and director of the Young Habima Company (Israels national theatre) where she created TAXI and directed Marivouxs — THE DISPUTE as a modern reality show.She is the creator and executive producer of three of Israel’s most acclaimed Telenovelas: GAME OF LIFE(2003), MICHAELLA(2004), and TELENOVELA INC.(2005). All of those shows are now airing on Israeli television in syndication.Segahl lives in NYC.
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Wikipedia Source: Sigal Avin

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