Simon Shaw Net Worth, Bio


Simon Shaw Net Worth

How rich is Simon Shaw? For this question we spent 5 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $192,5 Million.



Simon Shaw information Birth date: 1973-09-01 Birth place: Nairobi, Kenya Height:2.03 Weight:122 Profession:Producer, Actor, Editor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Simon Shaw – 1,76m.
How much weight is Simon Shaw – 86kg


Simon Shaw Net Worth
Simon Shaw Net Worth
Simon Shaw Net Worth
Simon Shaw Net Worth


Simon Dalton Shaw MBE (born 1 September 1973) is a former English rugby union player who played at lock. He last played for Toulon and played for England.
Biography,He was born 1 September 1973 in Nairobi, Kenya.At 2.03 m (6 ft 8 in), he is one of the tallest men to have played for England. Shaw has represented England at various levels including students and Under-21s. He played for Bristol at 17. This was despite not taking up the game seriously until he was 16, just after his family had moved to England from Spain. He was educated at Runnymede College, in Madrid and at Godalming College in Surrey. He also played for Cranleigh Rugby Club in his younger years, and often returns to train with the youth teams.


Wikipedia Source: Simon Shaw

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