Stephan Weidner Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Stephan Weidner Net Worth

How rich is Stephan Weidner? For this question we spent 20 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $102,4 Million.



Stephan Weidner information Birth date: May 29, 1963 Birth place: Alsfeld, Hesse, Germany Profession:Actor, Producer

Height, Weight

:How tall is Stephan Weidner – 1,70m.
How much weight is Stephan Weidner – 87kg


Stephan Weidner Net Worth
Stephan Weidner Net Worth
Stephan Weidner Net Worth
Stephan Weidner Net Worth


Stephan Weidner (born 29 May 1963 in Alsfeld, Hesse), often called Der W, is a musician and music producer. From 25 November 1980 until 18 June 2005 he was the bassist, songwriter and leader of the German hard-rock band B?hse Onkelz. Weidner was also a singer with Nordend Antistars, a collaboration with Sub7even singer Daniel Wirtz. In April 2008 Weidners first solo album Schneller, H?her, Weidner was released.
Biography,Weidner was raised by his father Tex Weidner with two half brothers and two sisters in an impoverished family. Conflicts with a school principal resulted in Weidner being banned from school. His father then moved the family to Hosbach near Aschaffenburg in Bavaria. There Weidner first met the musicians (Kevin Russell and Peter Pe Schorowsky) who would later become the first line-up for Weidners band, Bohse Onkelz. Weidner failed to graduate and subsequently did not pursue a career, instead taking a variety of odd-jobs including working as a bartender in a tavern connected to a brothel owned by Weidners father.Weidner was married and has one child. He currently lives in Dublin and Ibiza.


Wikipedia Source: Stephan Weidner

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