How rich is Sum 41? Net Worth, Height, Weight


Sum 41 Net Worth

How rich is Sum 41? For this question we spent 16 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $166,3 Million.



Sum 41 information Profession:Soundtrack, Composer, Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Sum 41 – 1,65m.
How much weight is Sum 41 – 53kg


Sum 41 Net Worth
Sum 41 Net Worth
Sum 41 Net Worth
Sum 41 Net Worth


Sum 41 is a Canadian rock band from Ajax, Ontario, Canada. The band was formed in 1996 and as of 2014 consists of members Deryck Whibley (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Tom Thacker (lead guitar, backing vocals), and Jason McCaslin (bass guitar, backing vocals). In April 2013, former drummer Steve Jocz announced his departure from the band.In 1999, the band signed an international record deal with Island Records. The band released their debut album, All Killer, No Filler in 2001. The band achieved mainstream success with their first single from the album, Fat Lip, which reached number-one on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart and remains the bands most successful single to date. All Killer No Filler was certified platinum in the United States, Canada and in the United Kingdom.The band later released Does This Look Infected? in 2002 to a commercial and critical success. The singles The Hell Song and Still Waiting both charted highly on the modern rock charts. The band released their next album Chuck in 2004, led by singles Were All To Blame and Pieces. The album proved successful, peaking at No. 10 on the Billboard 200 and sold 5 million copies worldwide. In 2007, the band released Underclass Hero, which was released to a mixed reception, but gained some commercial success, becoming the bands highest charting album to date. After four years, the band released Screaming Bloody Murder, in 2011 to a mixed to positive reception, as well as some average charting positions. The album did not do as well commercially as the bands past albums.The band often performs more than 300 times each year and holds long global tours, most of which last more than a year. They have been nominated for seven Juno Awards and have won twice (Group of the Year in 2002 and Rock Album of the Year for Chuck in 2005). Sum 41 was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance for the song Blood In My Eyes, however they lost to the Foo Fighters.
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Wikipedia Source: Sum 41

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