Terry Donahue Net Worth
How much is Terry Donahue worth? For this question we spent 9 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $14,9 Million.
Terry Donahue information Birth date: 1944-06-24
Height, Weight
:How tall is Terry Donahue – 1,76m.
How much weight is Terry Donahue – 85kg
Terry Donahue (born June 24, 1944) is a former American football player, coach, and executive and, currently, a football analyst. He served as the head football coach at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) from 1976 to 1995, compiling a record of 151–74–8. From 2001 to 2005, Donahue was the general manager for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL). He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a coach in 2000. Donahue is on the Board of Directors for the Lott IMPACT Trophy, which is named after Ronnie Lott and is given annually to college footballs Defensive IMPACT Player of the Year.
The information is not available
Wikipedia Source: Terry Donahue