How rich is Tim LaHaye? Net Worth, Height, Weight


Tim LaHaye Net Worth

How Much money Tim LaHaye has? For this question we spent 25 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Authors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $78 Million.



Tim LaHaye information Birth date: April 27, 1926 Birth place: Detroit, Michigan, U.S. Profession:Writer, Producer Spouse:Beverly LaHaye

Height, Weight

:How tall is Tim LaHaye – 1,69m.
How much weight is Tim LaHaye – 82kg


Tim LaHaye Net Worth
Tim LaHaye Net Worth
Tim LaHaye Net Worth
Tim LaHaye Net Worth


Timothy F. Tim LaHaye (born April 27, 1926) is an American evangelical Christian minister, author, and speaker. He is best known for the Left Behind series of apocalyptic fiction, which he co-wrote with Jerry B. Jenkins. He has written over 50 books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Biography,Early lifeTimothy Francis LaHaye was born on April 27, 1926, in Detroit, Michigan to Frank LaHaye, a Ford auto worker who died in 1936 of a heart attack, and Margaret LaHaye (nee Palmer). His fathers death had a significant influence on LaHaye, who was only nine years old at the time. He had been inconsolable until the minister at the funeral said, This is not the end of Frank LaHaye, because he accepted Jesus Christ, the day will come when the Lord will shout from heaven and descend, and the dead in Christ will rise first and then well be caught up together to meet him in the air.LaHaye later said that, upon hearing those remarks, all of a sudden, there was hope in my heart Id see my father again.LaHaye enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces in 1944, at the age of 18, after he finished night school. He served in the European Theater of Operations as a machine gunner aboard a bomber.In 1950, LaHaye received a Bachelor of Arts from Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. LaHaye held the Doctor of Ministry degree from Western Seminary and a Doctor of Literature from Liberty University. He served as a pastor in Pumpkintown, South Carolina, and after that he pastored a congregation in Minneapolis until 1956. After that, the LaHaye family moved to San Diego, California, where he served as pastor of the Scott Memorial Baptist Church (now called Shadow Mountain Community Church) for nearly 25 years. In 1971, he founded Christian Heritage College, now known as San Diego Christian College.In 1972, LaHaye helped establish the Institute for Creation Research at Christian Heritage College in El Cajon, California, along with Henry M. Morris.Political activismLaHaye started numerous groups to promote his views, having become involved in politics at the Christian Voice during the late 1970s and early 1980s.[citation needed] In 1979, he encouraged Jerry Falwell to found the Moral Majority and sat on its board of directors. LaHayes wife, Beverly, founded Concerned Women for America, a conservative Christian womens activist group.Then in 1981, he left the pulpit to concentrate his time on politics and writing.[11] That year, he helped found the Council for National Policy (CNP) a policy making think tank[12] in which membership is only available through invitation, it has been reported the most powerful conservative organization in America youve never heard of,[13] and should not be confused with the liberal Center for National Policy.In the 1980s, LaHaye founded the American Coalition for Traditional Values and the Coalition for Religious Freedom. He founded the Pre-Tribulation Research Center along with Thomas Ice in 1998. The center is dedicated to producing material that supports a dispensationalist, pre-tribulation interpretation of the Bible. He and his wife had connections to the John Birch Society, a conservative, anti-communist group.[14]LaHaye also took more direct roles in presidential politics. He supported Ronald Reagans elections as United States president. He was a co-chairman of Jack Kemps 1988 presidential bid but was removed from the campaign after four days when anti-Catholic views which he had expressed became known. LaHaye played a significant role in getting the Religious Right to support George W. Bush for the presidency in 2000. In 2007, he endorsed Mike Huckabee during the primaries[15] and served as his spiritual advisor.[16]Left BehindMain article: Left Behind (series)LaHaye is best known for the Left Behind series of apocalyptic fiction that depicts the Earth after the pretribulation rapture which Premillennial Dispensationalists believe the Bible states, multiple times, will occur. The books were LaHayes brainchild, though Jerry B. Jenkins, a former sportswriter with numerous other works of fiction to his name, did the actual writing of the books from LaHayes notes.[17] Jenkins has said, I write the best I can. I know Im never going to be revered as some classic writer. I dont claim to be C. S. Lewis. The literary-type writers, I admire them. I wish I was smart enough to write a book thats hard to read, you know?[18]The series, which started in 1995 with the first novel, includes 12 titles in the adult series, as well as juvenile novels, audio books, devotionals, and graphic novels. The books have been very popular, with total sales surpassing 65 million copies as of July 2016. Seven titles in the adult series have reached No. 1 on the bestseller lists for The New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly.[19] Jerry Falwell said about the first book in the series: In terms of its impact on Christianity, its probably greater than that of any other book in modern times, outside the Bible.[20] The best-selling series has been compared to the equally popular works of Tom Clancy and Stephen King: the plotting is brisk and the characterizations Manichean. People disappear and things blow up.LaHaye indicates that the idea for the series came to him one day circa 1994, while he was sitting on an airplane and observed a married pilot flirting with a flight attendant. He wondered what would befall the pilot if the Rapture happened at that moment. The first book in the series opens with a similar scene. He sold the movie rights for the Left Behind series and later stated he regretted that decision, because the films turned out to be church-basement videos, rather than a big-budget blockbuster that he had hoped for.Later activitiesIn 2001, LaHaye co-hosted with Dave Breese the prophecy television program The King Is Coming. In 2001, LaHaye gave $4.5 million to Liberty University to build a new student center and School of Prophecy, which opened in January 2002 and was named after LaHaye. He also served as its president.He provided funds for the LaHaye Ice Center on the campus of Liberty University, which opened in January 2006.[21]LeHayes book The Rapture was released on June 6, 2006, in order to capitalize on a 6-6-6 connection.[22][23]Personal life and deathTim LaHaye married activist and fellow author Beverly Ratcliffe in 1947[24][25] while attending Bob Jones University.In July 2016, the LaHayes celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. They had four children – Linda, Larry, Lee, and Lori – and nine grandchildren, and lived in the Los Angeles area. LeHayes owned a home in Rancho Mirage, California.[26]LaHaye died on July 25, 2016 in a hospital in San Diego, California, after suffering from a stroke, aged 90.[16] In addition to his wife, Beverly, he was survived by four children, nine grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, a brother (Richard LaHaye), and a sister. His funeral service took place at Shadow Mountain Community Church on August 12, 2016, with Dr. David Jeremiah, who succeeded LaHaye as pastor at what was then Scott Memorial Baptist Church, led the service.[27] LaHaye is interred at Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego, California.


Wikipedia Source: Tim LaHaye

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