Tita Duran Net Worth and Wiki


Tita Duran Net Worth

How rich is Tita Duran? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $137 Million.



Tita Duran information Birth date: 1929-06-14 Death date: 1991-01-01 Birth place: Philippines Profession:Actress Spouse:Pancho Magalona

Height, Weight

:How tall is Tita Duran – 1,68m.
How much weight is Tita Duran – 57kg


Tita Duran Net Worth
Tita Duran Net Worth
Tita Duran Net Worth
Tita Duran Net Worth


Teresita Tita Dur?n Durango (June 14, 1929 – December 2, 1991) was a Filipina film actress who began as a child actress. She was the first ever successful child star of Philippine cinema.Actor Pancho Magalona was her husband. She is the mother of the late Filipino rapper Francis Magalona and grandmother to Maxene Magalona who, as a child, showed a striking resemblance.Dur?n joined a movie in her earliest career as an 8 yr old child who abandoned by their mother in 1936 family-drama of Awit ng mga Ulila, aka The Songs of the Orphans.In 1938, Sampaguita Pictures spotted the child and cast her in a tear-jerker movie of Inang Mahal aka (Dear Mother). Her second movie in Sampaguita was Ang Magsasampaguita (The Sampaguita Vendor).Dur?n made two Movies under LVN Pictures and it was Pangarap (Dream) and Sawing Gantimpala (Lost Prize) both in 1940.After World War II, she made a comeback in her studio Sampaguita Pictures. She joined in a war film with Carmen Rosales entitled Guerilyera and typecasted in numerous musical films paired by some of the Sampaguitas finest actor.After her last movie in Sampaguita Isang Halik Mo Pancho, she made Maria Went to Town under Deegar Cinema Inc.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Tita Duran

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