Todd Carmichael Net Worth
How rich is Todd Carmichael? For this question we spent 27 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.
The main source of income: Directors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $2 Million.
Todd Carmichael information Birth date: 1963-08-30 Profession:Cinematographer, Producer Nationality:American
Height, Weight
:How tall is Todd Carmichael – 1,84m.
How much weight is Todd Carmichael – 84kg
Todd Carmichael (born 1963) was the first American explorer to cross Antarctica to the South Pole alone, on foot and with no assistance. He arrived at the pole on December 21, 2008, after a total travel time of 39 days, 7 hours and 49 minutes.Carmichael set the record for the fastest solo journey to the South Pole, surpassing the record set by Hannah McKeand in 2006. He averaged 18 miles per day on skis (8 miles) and foot (692 miles). Born in Spokane, Washington August 30, 1963, Carmichael claims to have crossed the majority of all worlds deserts in solo. Contributor to the Huffington Post, Carmichael is a passionate crusader for social and ecological causes and has a decade-long history of undertaking self-supported treks into challenging environments. His expeditions have taken him to locations are varied as Namibia to Zambia, to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In keeping with his unwavering ethic of low-carbon, self-sufficient travel, Carmichael only brings what he can carry on his back, or, in the case of Antarctica, pull behind him on a sled. Carmichael kept a video log of his progress across Antarctica, and the footage has since been made into a documentary, Race to the Bottom of the Earth (2010), as seen on the National Geographic Channel.
The information is not available
Wikipedia Source: Todd Carmichael