Tyler Butterworth Net Worth – Short bio, age, height, weight


Tyler Butterworth Net Worth

How rich is Tyler Butterworth? For this question we spent 29 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $124,2 Million.



Tyler Butterworth information Birth date: February 6, 1959 Birth place: Redhill, Surrey, England, UK Profession:Actor Spouse:Janet Dibley Children:Todd Butterworth Parents:Peter Butterworth, Janet Brown Siblings:Emma Butterworth

Height, Weight

:How tall is Tyler Butterworth – 1,86m.
How much weight is Tyler Butterworth – 71kg


Tyler Butterworth Net Worth
Tyler Butterworth Net Worth
Tyler Butterworth Net Worth
Tyler Butterworth Net Worth


Tyler Butterworth (born 6 February 1959, Redhill, Surrey) is an English actor, who has appeared in Rumpole of the Bailey, Bergerac, Last of the Summer Wine, The Bill, The Darling Buds of May, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates and Osborne in the ITV sitcom Fiddlers Three. He also played Proteus in the BBC Shakespeare adaption of The Two Gentlemen of Verona in 1983. He played the role of Angelo in the CITV childrens sci-fi comedy series Mike and Angelo for its first two series.His first roles were as a child in the 1960s in such films as Darling (1965) and the Morecambe & Wise movie The Magnificent Two (1967). He later starred in the black comedy Consuming Passions (1988) opposite Vanessa Redgrave and Jonathan Pryce.His father was Peter Butterworth, who starred in many of the Carry On films. His mother was the actress and Margaret Thatcher impersonator Janet Brown. Butterworth is married to actress Janet Dibley and they have one child.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Tyler Butterworth

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