How Much Is Valerie Day Worth?


Valerie Day Net Worth

How rich is Valerie Day? For this question we spent 23 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $124,3 Million.



Valerie Day information Birth date: 1959-11-20 Profession:Actress

Height, Weight

:How tall is Valerie Day – 1,86m.
How much weight is Valerie Day – 59kg


Valerie Day Net Worth
Valerie Day Net Worth
Valerie Day Net Worth
Valerie Day Net Worth


Valerie Day (born November 20, 1959) is an American pop and jazz singer. Born in Portland, Oregon, United States, she is a fourth-generation Oregonian, and grew up in a musical family. She was the lead singer and a founding member of the 1980s dance band Nu Shooz, along with her husband John Smith.Days performances with Nu Shooz had mixed reviews. She and Smith were credited with rewriting the book on Portlands R&B sound. One reviewer at the Seattle Times described her as having a tough but perky wholesome image, and praised her dancing and conga playing, but opined that she over-used a certain vocal hook, and was reluctant to step out as the star of the group.More recently, Day has taken on other musical genres. In the late 1990s she was a featured singer in the Woody Hite Big Band. She recorded an album of duets with pianist Tom Grant in 2005.Also in 2005, Day won a contest to have an image of her lips used in the new corporate logo for Portlands Hot Lips Pizza, as part of the companys 21st anniversary.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Valerie Day

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