Wally Gagel Net Worth, Biography, Age, Weight, Height


Wally Gagel Net Worth

How rich is Wally Gagel? For this question we spent 16 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $13,8 Million.



Wally Gagel information Profession:Soundtrack, Music Department, Actor

Height, Weight

:How tall is Wally Gagel – 1,82m.
How much weight is Wally Gagel – 54kg


Wally Gagel Net Worth
Wally Gagel Net Worth
Wally Gagel Net Worth
Wally Gagel Net Worth


Wally Gagel is an American, multi platinum, award winning record producer, audio engineer, mixer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. His current work with Blondfire, Zella Day, Best Coast, Hunter Hunted, The Mowglis and Redlight King has garnered critical acclaim as well as commercial success. His production of Family of the Years #1 single Hero caught the attention of movie director Richard Linklater who used it in the film Boyhood.He recently formed the production partnership WAX LTD with songwriter and producer, Xandy Barry in Los Angeles.His other credits include, Miley Cyrus, New Order, Muse, Rolling Stones, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna and in collaboration with iTunes Sessions: Bon Iver, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Gorillaz, The Gaslight Anthem, Lykke Li, Vampire Weekend, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, PJ Harvey, Metric, The Decemberists, Norah Jones, and more.
Biography,Early life and careerGagel was born in Port Jefferson, NY. He and his family moved to Boston, MA, where at a young age he became interested in music. He attended Mass College of Art to pursue studies in Interrelated Media. Later Gagel became house engineer at Fort Apache Studios in Cambridge, MA where he worked with Superchunk, Belly, Juliana Hatfield, Buffalo Tom, Come, Karate, Sebadoh and The Folk Implosion. He joined the band Orbit whom he toured and recorded with until deciding to leave the group and pursue his production work full-time. In 1996 Gagel was awarded the Boston Music Awards Outstanding Song/Songwriter of the Year for Natural One, and in 1997 Debut Album of the Year for Orbits Libido Speedway. He currently resides in Los Angeles and is half of the production/songwriting team WAX LTD.


Wikipedia Source: Wally Gagel

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