How Much Is Wayne Lewis Worth?


Wayne Lewis Net Worth

How rich is Wayne Lewis? For this question we spent 23 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Celebrities
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $201,3 Million.



Wayne Lewis information Birth date: 1951 Profession:Visual Effects, Producer, Animation Department

Height, Weight

:How tall is Wayne Lewis – 1,67m.
How much weight is Wayne Lewis – 70kg


Wayne Lewis Net Worth
Wayne Lewis Net Worth
Wayne Lewis Net Worth
Wayne Lewis Net Worth


Wayne Lewis (born 1951/1952) is an Australian Paralympic lawn bowler. He became a paraplegic while working on a farm with his father. He was sitting underneath a slasher and changing the blades, the hydraulics broke and the slasher collapsed on him. His father pulled him out, and played a major role in his rehabilitation, he encouraged his son back into driving tractors on the farm. After the accident Lewis taught himself to ski and played lawn bowls.He won a silver medal in the mens lawn bowls pairs with Ken Moran at the 1984 New York/Stoke Mandeville Paralympics. Lewis and his wife Carol run a 1,600-hectare (4,000-acre) sheep and cattle property and a bed and breakfast lodge called Ruths House near Tatong in Victoria. He is a Life Member of the Tatong Football Netball Club.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Wayne Lewis

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