How Much Is William Cayton Worth?


William Cayton Net Worth

How rich is William D. Cayton? For this question we spent 7 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Producers
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $170,7 Million.



William D. Cayton information Birth date: June 6, 1918, New York City, New York, United States Death date: October 4, 2003, Larchmont, New York, United States Birth place: New York City, New York, USA Profession:Producer, Director, Writer Education:University of Maryland, College Park Spouse:Doris Rothback (m. 1942–2000) Movies:Journey to the Beginning of Time, Jack JohnsonBooks:Boxing memorabilia

Height, Weight

:How tall is William Cayton – 1,79m.
How much weight is William Cayton – 82kg


William Cayton Net Worth
William Cayton Net Worth
William Cayton Net Worth
William Cayton Net Worth


William D. Cayton (June 6, 1918 – October 4, 2003) was a boxing promoter. He helped to manage Mike Tyson early in his career, and acted as a film historian and producer to preserve boxings legacy. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2005.Born in New York City, Cayton graduated from the University of Maryland in 1937 with a degree in chemical engineering and founded advertising agency, Cayton Inc. in 1945. He became involved in boxing in 1948 when he created and produced the TV program titled Greatest Fights of the Century to promote Vaseline brand hair tonic. Television was then in its infancy, and Cayton felt that boxing was the sport that lent itself best to the tiny black and white screens of the time.To create the program, and many others that followed, he licensed, then later acquired, rights to vintage boxing film footage, and for nearly fifty years amassed and restored a collection of thousands of films going back to 1897. These films featured such legendary boxers as Jim Corbett, Jack Johnson (with a soundtrack by Miles Davis), Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Wilfred Ben?tez, and Kid Gavilan. Cayton even acquired rights to the first boxing film ever made, a sparring session filmed by Thomas Edison in 1894. His effort in collecting, restoring, and maintaining these films, many of which were rapidly deteriorating, is credited for preserving modern boxings heritage and history.Bill Caytons company, Big Fights, also produced numerous boxing features including a.k.a. Cassius Clay and academy award-nominated films Jack Johnson and The Legendary Champions. One of Caytons hires in the 1960s was a then-unknown Harry Chapin, who was assigned a film editors position, and who worked on Legendary Champions. It is said that Cayton had to fire Chapin numerous times for missing work, or coming in late due to his pursual of a musical career, only to re-hire Chapin each time due to his endearing personality.In 1960 Cayton was joined by boxing historian and film collector Jim Jacobs. The pair subsequently went into managing boxers, guiding such fighters as Wilfred Ben?tez, Edwin Rosario, and Iron Mike Tyson to world titles. Following Jacobss death in 1988, Cayton managed world champions Tommy Morrison, Vinny Pazienza, and championship contenders Jeremy Williams, Michael Grant, and Omar Sheika among others.Cayton sold his film and tape library in 1998 to the Walt Disney Company, which shows many of the titles on its ESPN Classic network. In addition, Cayton was given the title of boxing coordinator for ESPN2s Friday Night Fights show, which experienced a resurgence in ratings and the level of competition shown due to Caytons influence.Caytons advertising agency remained active until well into the 1970s. In 1957, working with director and writer, Fred Ladd, it began marketing Russian animated films from the 1940s and 50s, especially those of the famous Soyuzmultfilm studios (well-known titles included The Firebird, The Frog Prince, Beauty & the Beast, The Space Explorers, and Twelve Months). The films were dubbed, sometimes re-titled, partitioned into chapters and distributed to TV stations. He also released a partly re-filmed a version of the Czech animated feature Cesta do prav?ku (Karel Zeman, 1955), replacing the opening and closing scenes with new footage and marketing it as Journey to the Beginning of Time. These films proved popular both as features and as TV episodes. Many additional cartoons and natural history films produced by Cayton were marketed under the names Cartoon Classics, Animatoons, and Jungle. Cayton is also credited with reviving professional pool on television in 1977, producing showcase events which included, among others, the legendary Minnesota Fats – Willie Mosconi title bouts.
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Wikipedia Source: William Cayton

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