William Colby Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio


William Colby Net Worth

How rich is William Colby? For this question we spent 17 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Actors
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $168,3 Million.



William Colby information Birth date: January 4, 1920, Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States Death date: April 27, 1996, Rock Point, Maryland, United States Profession:Actor Education:Columbia University, Princeton University, Columbia Law School Spouse:Sally Shelton-Colby (m. 1984–1996), Barbara Heinzen (m. 1945–1984) Children:Carl Colby

Height, Weight

:How tall is William Colby – 1,71m.
How much weight is William Colby – 68kg


William Colby Net Worth
William Colby Net Worth
William Colby Net Worth
William Colby Net Worth


William Egan Colby (January 4, 1920 – April 27, 1996) spent a career in intelligence for the United States, culminating in holding the post of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from September 1973 to January 1976.During World War II Colby served with the Office of Strategic Services. After the war he joined the newly created Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Before and during the Vietnam War, Colby served as chief of station in Saigon, chief of the CIAs Far East Division, and head of the Civil Operations and Rural Development effort, as well as overseeing the Phoenix Program. After Vietnam, Colby became director of central intelligence and during his tenure, under intense pressure from the U.S. Congress and the media, adopted a policy of relative openness about U.S. intelligence activities to the Senate Church Committee and House Pike Committee. Colby served as DCI under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford and was replaced by future president George H.W. Bush on January 30, 1976.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: William Colby

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